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The Bowen Family Theory and Its Uses by Margaret Hall Citation

We're used to hearing nigh inventions or discoveries made by men.

However, although they were systematically hampered for centuries, women have contributed their off-white share of cutting-edge inventions, many of which nosotros use every 24-hour interval. In fact, from kevlar to spread spectrum engineering, some of the most brilliant inventions take been made by women.

1. Windshield wipers were Invented by Mary Anderson

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Lothar Spurzem/Wikimedia

Mary Anderson fabricated an essential contribution to the world of cars by inventing the windshield wiper. She did not drive a car herself, just on a visit to New York, she happened to exist riding a streetcar on a snowy day and observed that the streetcar driver had to stick themselves out, again and again, to clean off the windshield.

Naturally, that caused delays, and information technology got Anderson wondering: What if there were some sort of blade that could wipe the windshield off without making the commuter get out of the streetcar?

As a result, she invented a device that operated with a lever and could be used by the commuter. The device was patented in 1903.

In the starting time, people were skeptical virtually its use and felt that it might distract the driver. Companies were reluctant to invest in the device. Merely eventually, it became standard in all vehicles.

Anderson never received any money for her invention. Hover, she did finally get some credit in 2011, when she was inducted into theInventors Hall of Fame.

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Wikimedia

2. Geobond, A Burn down-Proof Material Invented past Patricia Billings

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Geocel Us

Patricia Billings is asculptor, inventor, and businesswoman who invented Geobond,a building material that is fire-proof and almost indestructible.

Billings studied art and specialized in plaster of Paris sculptures. In the late 1970s, one of her sculptures fell and shattered, so she began experimenting in her basement. Viii years afterwards, she invented an additive that, when mixed with gypsum and concrete, creates a very hard, non-toxic, fire-proof plaster.

Billings has ii patents for her work, but she has kept the complete recipe for Geobond a secret. Meanwhile, contractors utilize Geobond every day.

Patricia Billings
Source: Grich004/Wikimedia Commons

three. Foxfibre-colored Cotton fiber Invented by Emerge Flim-flam

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: American Flower Linens

Sally Fox is a cotton breeder who breeds naturally colored varieties of cotton. She is the inventor of FoxFibre, which is hailed as the beginning species of long-fiber, naturally-colored cotton that can exist spun into thread on a car.

Naturally-colored cotton has existed for centuries in the wild. And Fox, a long-staple variety that could be milled into a variety of textiles (including denim) could considerably reduce the amount of pollution that'southward created through dyeing textiles.

four. Liquid paper was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Wikipedia/Love Krittaya

As electric typewriters came into widespread utilise after World State of war Two, Bette Nesmith Graham and countless other secretaries had a large problem — while the new machines made typing easier, their carbon-film ribbons made information technology incommunicable to correct mistakes neatly with a pencil eraser.

Graham wanted a solution to the problem, and she found it by watching painters decorating the bank windows for the holidays. The painters covered any imperfections with an boosted layer. Graham mimicked their technique past using white, h2o-based tempera paint to cover her typing errors.

She was presently flooded with requests for what she initially chosen "Mistake Out" and was soon working total-time to produce and bottle it. Her son Michael — who would later become a fellow member of the popular group The Monkees — helped to fill the growing number of orders.

Graham connected to amend the formula and renamed the product "Liquid Newspaper" in 1958 and the residue is history.

v. Animate being treatment devices were Invented by Dr. Mary Temple Grandin

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Steve Jurvetson/Wikimedia

Dr. Mary Temple Grandin became well known for her trailblazing piece of work as a spokesperson for people with autism and for her lifelong work with brute beliefs.

Her autism informed her work with animals and her design of humane ways to bring animals to the slaughterhouse. Today, her inventions are used in slaughterhouses effectually America and the world.

six. The flat bottomed paper bag was invented by Margaret Knight

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: MoMa

Margaret Knight was a self-taught engineer who, at the age of 13,devised a shuttle restraint arrangement for utilise in mills that would spare endless workers serious injury.

While working at the Columbia Newspaper Purse company, based in Springfield, Massachusetts, she developed an automated mechanism to fold paper bags — a process which upwardly to that fourth dimension was done by hand.

She filed for a patent; all the same, shefaced a challenge when a human named Charles Annan stole her idea. However, she successfully fought and won a lawsuit confronting him and was granted her patent.

7. Kevlar was invented by Stephanie Kwolek

Kevlar Invented by Stephanie Kwolek
Source: Ben Mills and Jynto/Wikimedia Commons

Stephanie Louise Kwolek was an American pharmacist who worked at the DuPont visitor, where she discovered the first of a family unit of synthetic fibers of exceptional strength and stiffness: poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide. While working with these fibers, she went on to inventKevlar, a very potent, lightweight, and heat resistant fiber.

Stephanie Kwolek
Source: Chemical Heritage Foundation [CC BY-SA 3.0]/Wikimedia

viii. Lillian Gilbreth - An Ergonomics Pioneer

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Smithsonian Establishment/Flickr

Gilbreath is well-known for her work in the field of ergonomics, including ideas such as inserting shelves in the refrigerator to make it more efficient. Similarly, she made can openers easier, and she likewise invented the foot-operating pedal for opening trash cans.

9. Disposable diapers were invented by Marion Donovan

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Ossi Mauno/Wikimedia

Marion O'Brien Donovan was an American inventor and entrepreneur who is best known for developing the first waterproof dispensable diaper, which earned her $1 million and ballot to the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2015.

Donovan was a prolific inventor, eventually earning a total of 20 patents, for things such as a pullstring for zipping up a dress with a back zipper, acombined check and tape-keeping volume, and a new kind ofdental floss device.

10. The Dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochrane

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: piotrus/Wikimedia

Josephine Cochrane was a socialite who set up out to create the dishwasher after noticing that her fine china would flake when it was scrubbed in the sink.

She worked out a design that used water jets and a dishrack to concord the dishes in place. Working in a shed behind her dwelling house, Cochrane constructed the first car herself, patenting her design in 1886.

She established Cochran's Crescent Washing Automobile Visitor, and won an award for her blueprint at the Chicago World's Fair. The machines initially sold to restaurants and hotels, but their domestic utilise surged in the 1950s. Cochrane's company eventually became KitchenAid, now office of the Whirlpool Corporation.

Josephine Cochrane
Source: Mail service of Romania/Wikimedia

11. The Monopoly game was invented by Elizabeth Phillips

ElizabethJ. Phillips was an American game designer, author, and feminist.Sheinvented The Landlord's Game, the precursor to Monopoly, to illustrate the teachings of the progressive economist Henry George. The game was intended to focus on all the injustice that results from unchecked commercialism.

Her game was after redesigned and sold every bit Monopoly — making its owner Parker Brothers millions.

12. Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer

Ada Lovelace
Source: Science Museum Group/Wikimedia

Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician who is chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical full general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Lovelace developed ways to use mathematical algorithms with the Belittling Engine to carry out an early form of calculator programming.

13. Grace Hopper - Harvard Mark I Reckoner Programmer

Harvard Mark I Computer
Source: Topory/Wikimedia

Grace Hopper was an American Navy rear admiral and a computer scientist. She worked on the Harvard Marker I computer and can easily be considered a pioneer of computer programming.

She invented a computer programming organization that used instructions written in a language that is human being-friendly. She ultimately invented the compiler, a program that can translate a set up of instructions from English into a linguistic communication that the computer can utilise.

Grace Hopper
Source: James South. Davis/Wikimedia Commons

14. Spread spectrum engineering science was invented by Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr
Source: MGM/Clarence Bull/Wikimedia Commons

Hedy Lamarr was an American film extra who went on to invent Spread Spectrum Engineering science. Subsequently Lamarr emigrated to the United states from Austria, she had a very successful moving-picture show career, and she too became a pioneer in wireless communications.

During World War Two, Lamarr learned that radio-controlledtorpedoes could be easilyjammed so that they veered off grade. She conceived of the idea of creating afrequency-hoppingpoint to prevent jamming. Along with her friend, pianistGeorge Antheil, she adult a device.

Lamarr received a patent for her invention, which she called"Frequency hopping." The engineering is now widely used in wireless-communication technology ranging from Thousand.P.S. to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

fifteen. Call Waiting and Caller ID was invented by Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson
Source: PopTech/Flickr

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson is an American physicist, the offset African-American woman to accept earned a doctorate at the Massachusetts Establish of Technology (MIT), and the 2d African-American woman in the US to earn a doctorate in physics.

Jackson invented telephone call waiting and Caller ID while working at AT&T Bell Labs, where she conducted research in theoretical physics, solid-state and quantum physics, and optical physics.

16. TheLong Cycle-LifeNickel-Hydrogen Battery was invented by Olga D Gonzalez-Sanabria

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: NASA/Wikimedia Commons

Olga D. González-Sanabriais an American engineer working  atNASAGlenn Research Center, where she  is responsible for planning and directing a number of integrated services. She played an instrumental part in the development of the Long Cycle-Life Nickel-Hydrogen batteries,  which are used to power theInternational Space Station.

Olga D Gonzalez -Sanabria
Source: NASA/Wikimedia Commons

17. The Dwelling house Security Organisation was invented by Marie Van Brittan Brown

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Intel Free Printing

Marie Van Brittan Brownwas an American inventor who, together with her husband, invented thehome security system. She often worked late, and she was concerned by the loftier crime rate in her neighborhood and past how long it took the constabulary to arrive. Marie first created three peepholes and set a camera that could arrange from peephole to peephole. She then used a radio-controlled wireless arrangement to stream the video to whatever television in the business firm.

The couple also created a two-way microphone organization to allow communication between the family and the person at the door, and a organisation that contacted police and emergency responders with just the tap of a button.

18. Stem Cell Isolation was invented by Ann Tsukamoto

24 Inventions by Women You Might Not Be Aware Of
Source: Mikael Häggström/Wikimedia

Ann Tsukamoto is an inventor and stalk jail cell researcher. While working at SyStemix in the early on 1990s, Tsukamoto was part of a squad that made a vital breakthrough in cancer enquiry when they isolated claret-forming stem cells. Altogether, Tsumamoto holds 12 patents related to homo hematopoietic stem cells, pancreatic stalk cells, and neural stalk cells

19. The exterior steel staircase was invented by Anna Connelly

Fire Escape Staircase
Source: Wesha/Wikimedia

Anna Connelly invented and patented the showtime outdoor fire escape in 1887.Connelly'southward blueprint fabricated buildings safer past preventing people from falling in the panic of an emergency. Her blueprint also allowed firefighters to more than easily  haul water to specific areas of the construction.

Her invention led to some of the first building codes in New York Urban center, which required a second means of egress from buildings in the consequence of an emergency.

20. Chocolate chip cookies were invented by Ruth Wakefield

Chocolate Chip Cookies Inventor
Source: Kimberly Vardeman/Wikimedia

Do you similar chocolate chip cookies? Who doesn't! You have Ruth Wakefield to give thanks for their invention. She was a chef, educator, and dietician who owned the Price House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts.

In 1930, she created the Toll House cookie, but breaking up a bar of Nestle chocolate and adding it to the dough. The Inn was already serving a popular butterscotch cookie, and she wanted to create a second option.

DuringWWII, United states soldiers fromMassachusetts stationed overseas were ofttimes sent the popular Toll House cookie in intendance packages. They shared the cookies with soldiers from other parts of the US and shortly hundreds of soldiers were writing home asking their families to send them some Cost Firm cookies. The rest is history.

21. The Solar Heated Dwelling house was invented by Dr. Maria Telkes

Dr. Maria Telkes
Source: New York World-Telegram and the Sunday staff photographer/Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Maria Telkeswas a Hungarian-American biophysicist, scientist, and inventor who worked on solar energy technologies. She is considered one of the founders of solar thermal storage systems.

She was a prolific inventor and developed a miniature desalination unit for employ on lifeboats. The unit used solar power and condensation to collect drink h2o, saving the lives of many airmen and sailors. She also helped create the very showtime solar-heated home in 1940, when she was working at MIT on the Solar Energy Enquiry Projection.

22. Radium and Polonium were discovered by Marie Curie

Marie Curie
Source: Henri Manuel/Wikimedia Eatables

Marie Curie is probably one of the best-known physicists. She is remembered for her discovery of radium and polonium.In 1903 Marie and her husband Pierre were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics jointly with Henri Becquerel for their separate work on radioactivity.

In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize, this fourth dimension in chemistry, for creating a means of measuring radioactivity. She oversaw the building of the showtime radium institute for the written report of radioactivity and for biological research into the treatment of cancer.

And that'due south non all. During the First World War, Curie also developed pocket-size, mobile X-ray units that could be used to diagnose injuries near the battlefront. As a result of these efforts, she is credited with saving more than than a million soldiers' lives.

23. The Ice Cream maker was invented by Nancy Johnson

Ice Cream Maker Invented by Nancy Johnson
Source: ilovebutter/Flickr

Nancy Johnsoninvented the hand-cranked, water ice cream churn every bit a time-saving device. At the time, ice foam was fabricated using the 'pot freezer' method, which took a long time and oft resulted in lumpy ice cream. Johnson created a device that used manus-cranked spatulas inside a cylinder to scrape ice crystals from the walls of the cooled container.

She patented the pattern, and her churn is still used today for making ice foam past hand. Let's take a moment to thank Nancy for all the ice creams we enjoy today!

Nancy Johnson
Source: Francisx/Wikimedia Commons

24. The Life Raft was invented by Maria Beasley

Maria Beasley Patented Life Raft Design
Source: Maria Beasley/Wikimedia

Maria Beasleywas an entrepreneur and inventor who is best known for her barrel-making machines and her improvements to the life raft. In all,  she held fifteen unlike patents in the The states, along with 2 in Great Britain

These 24 women are show of the amazing contributions of women to science and technology. However, they are just a handful of the many slap-up, and frequently unsung, female inventors.
