For a full list of "reports" and More problems check out this forum post from Solorien


Illegal or Unethical?
A Drop Game: Illegal. Hosting drop games can get you cursed. To prove someone guilty (and get them cursed), /msg a mod and leave immediently. If no mods are online, try taking a screenshot and posting it on the forums.
Someone swiping an item you accidently dropped: Unethical. A dropped items is anyones game. If someone picks it up, the chance of them getting punished are much lower than a drop game.
Getting threats/slurs from secret messages: ILLEGAL! Tell the offender to stop. Then take a screenshot and post it on forums or send it in private via inboxing a mod.
My friend with access took everything!: Unethical. If you give access to someone, they have the right to grief your world, and will not be punished in most cases.

Tapjoy Issues
I didn't get my gems from Tapjoy/Tapjoy keeps saying "offer invalid".

This is a result ofone of the following outcomes. 1) You have completed the offer then deleted that app. This will cause the app to re-appear on the Tapjoy list. However, the second time round, the offer will become invalid. 2) You have deleted Growtopia and re-installed it. 3) You haven't done the offer completely. Make sure you complete all steps. 4) The Tapjoy offer has expired but Tapjoy has not removed it from the list. 5) You have done the offer correctly, but your gems have not arrived yet. If it does not arrive with in a week, contact Tapjoy

How do I fix Tapjoy's "offer invalid"?

Most of the time, tapjoy fixes itself. In the case it doesn't, try contacting tapjoy. CONTACT TAPJOY BY: 1) Enter Tapjoy page (via GT store) 2) At the bottom of the page should be a link called "Missing Gems?" 3) Now enter your description. Make this short and straight to the point. Here is an example;
"On the ___________, I completed an offer called _______________ worth _________ gems. It has been ______________ days and my gems have not arrived yet"
This is a very simple stencil. Just make it precise and don't complain about your gems – refer to it. For example;
COMPLAINING: "I haven't received my gems yet and I did so much downloading and got nothing."
REFERRING: "I haven't received my gems yet after downloading the app _______"
REMEMBER: Fill in all the areas in asks you to, this way you'll get help faster.

Rollback Issues
My dropped item has disappeared. What has happened?

Dropped items never 'disappear'. There will always be a valid reason behind it. Most cases of losing dropped items occur when another player steals it. However, a Rollback my have traveled to the point where you have not placed dropped your items yet. Try your inventory, you may find the blocks there.

When I log in it says "account/GrowID has vanished". What has happened?

This is the result of a Rollback. Time has re-winded to the point where you had not created you ID yet. To get your ID back, simply make the same account.

Gem Issues
I bought gems (with real money) but did not receive them. What do I do?

You need to email (where you will end up getting this form letter if you don't send your receipt and growID!)
In order to credit your account with any purchases you did not receive, you will need to supply us with a copy of your receipt so that we can verify your purchase.
If you are on Android, you should've received a receipt email for your purchase, just forward us a copy of that!* Don't forget to tell us what your account name is, though.
If you are on iOS, here's how you can find your iTunes Receipts:
A: Apple emails your iTunes receipts to you and you can just forward that to us
B: OR: you can find them with these instructions:
1. Launch iTunes
2. Click on iTunes Store on the right hand menu
3. Click on your email address on the upper left hand corner
4. Click Account from the drop-down menu
5. Enter your password for your iTunes account
6. Scroll down to Purchase History and click Select All
7. Find your receipts for the apps you downloaded
Please take a screenshot of the iTunes receipt and email it back to me.
Also, don't forget to let us know the account name to give it to!
Hamumu's response in 'Gem fountain – Didn't get my gems'

Sound Issues
My basic sound is not working

If you suffer from this issue, you'll notice that your basic sound effects fail to work. These sounds are what you hear when you jump, break and hit lava. You'll also notice that music effects WILL work. These are boomboxes, note blocks and radios. In additon to sound failure, you may also notices 'spasms' or launches of your Player.
To TREAT this, delete Growtopia and re-install Growtopia. There is currently no known diagnosis or cure for this.

Music sheets do not create sound.

This is not a bug. Many people fail to hear music notes because there is another music item playing with in the screen. This over-powers the notes sound. Makes sure you have turned off surronding radios, boomboxes, music boxes etc.

Misc. Issues
When I punch trees they don't break, they just crack like a block

It just means that the time on your phone or region is running faster that time in game and as a result will make trees appear ready. However, the tree is not ACTUALLY ready because GT time still needs to catch-up. DO NOT CONTINUE TO HIT THE TREE. WAIT 5-8 SECONDS AND TRY AGAIN.

I can't log in because it says "sever is down".

This is not a bug. The reason it appears is because the servers are currently getting updated or fixed. You may also see it appear when you have no Internet connection.
To fix this, get you Internet working/get into a zone with Internet OR wait 10 minutes. This will give Seth and Hamumu time to fix the problem at hand.

I'm having to double click when I want to trade. Is this fixable?

No. This was an implemented time delay designed to reduce scamming. They delay allows players to notice and changes in the trade and can decline at last minute.

Credit To Tony26

If you Have other problems feel free to comment below or Email the official support team at