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How to Become a Teacher in New Brunswick

Bachelor of Education

School Years option

Complete your 60 credit hour Bachelor of Education in 10 months after earning a bachelor's degree in any field.

Hands-on experience throughout your stay at UNB

Choose either the elementary or secondary stream, both of which feature a fully integrated practicum in New Brunswick schools. You can choose to apply to complete an international practicum. In the BEd at UNB you're more than a student: you're also a teacher.

Learn from mentors

You will be ready to begin a professional career and to broaden and deepen your expertise through continuing study. We will give you the knowledge, skills and flexibility to reflect on teaching practice.

Our rich academic and professional environment is a space to learn and succeed as a student and a teacher.

Admission requirements

Applicants to the BEd at UNB should ensure that they meet the admission requirements for the program stream of their choice.

Elementary/Early Years stream

All applicants must have at least:

  • three credit hours of university-level English
  • and three credit hours of university-level mathematics.

To be admitted to the BEd Early Years stream, applicants must have a minimum of 30 credit hours of teachable content that spans at least four different categories:

  • English
  • mathematics
  • science
  • humanities
  • health & physical education
  • fine arts
  • languages
  • social sciences

Note: Students entering this stream will be placed in an elementary school. Not all teachable subjects fall into the prerequisite categories.

Middle/Young Adult stream

All applicants must have at least three credit hours of university-level English.

To be admitted to the BEd middle/young adult secondary stream, applicants must complete at least 30 credit hours in one teachable subject and 18 credit hours in another teachable subject. Alternately, students can complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in each of two teachable subjects.

Students entering this stream will be placed in a secondary school which could either be a middle school or a high school. Applicants should contact the faculty for advice.

Major teachable subjects in New Brunswick

You will find a list of major teachable areas through the New Brunswick Teachers' Association. We are unable to offer specialized programs in all teachable areas.

Transfer credits from another university

The Faculty of Education does not accept transfer credits for education courses completed at any institution prior to acceptance into the BEd program at UNB.

Students may however obtain substitution credit for education courses which have been taken at this or another institution, where the grade received is "C" or higher and which meet program requirements. In these cases, alternate education courses must be successfully completed to meet program requirements.

Teacher certification

Once you complete the UNB Bachelor of Education School Years Option, you apply for certification in New Brunswick.

In order to be granted a teacher's license in New Brunswick, you need to be a Canadian citizen or have landed immigrant status or a valid work visa.

Mobility agreement

There is a mobility agreement across Canada between provinces regarding recognition of teacher certification. If you receive a teacher's license in New Brunswick, you can apply for a teacher's license in other Canadian provinces. You will need to pay a fee for each province for which you will be licensed.

Different jurisdictions have different certification requirements. It is important to check with the department of education in the province in which you wish to be licensed prior to applying to the Bachelor of Education degree to ensure you meet their requirements.

Qualifying grade point average for program admission

Your cumulative grade point average should not be below 2.7 (in the B range or 70%). While this is the minimum, admission is highly competitive and therefore minimum levels may not be sufficient to secure a spot.

If your cumulative grade point average is below 2.7, our admissions committee generally will advise you to consider taking further non-education courses to upgrade. The number of courses and the requirements could be determined by contacting the associate dean of education.

Average time to complete a BEd as a second degree

It will take you three full-time terms (fall, winter and summer), 10 months, to complete the BEd.

Practicum availability and preferences

The Faculty of Education, through the field experiences office, places students in school settings at the discretion of the public school system. Although the faculty cannot guarantee a placement in that system, it will make its best effort to find an initial placement for any student eligible for the practicum (subject to approval by the university). Subsequent placements may not be possible.

The Faculty of Education will provide students with the opportunity to identify New Brunswick school district preferences, but the final assignment is determined by the faculty in consultation with the school system, not by the individual student.

Be career-ready with an in-depth teaching placement

Bachelor of Education students spend one day per week — as well as a two-week, five-week and eight-week block — in their practica school. Your experience as a student at UNB and in your practicum will make you stand out above the rest.

We're doing more than teaching future teachers; we're giving you the opportunity to be ready for the job market.

Our graduates teach in the Maritimes, other Canadian provinces and abroad (China, United Kingdom, Australia and more).

Teach internationally

We also offer the opportunity to complete an advanced practicum block abroad. See another country and compare their schooling with your experience here in New Brunswick. You will also learn a great deal about yourself as a teacher!

Are you ready for your own field experience?

You can apply to complete anadvanced practicum in Colombia, St. Lucia or the U.K.

Bursaries may be available to support travel expenses and accommodation.

No matter which country you choose, the opportunities provided will be amazing!

Detailed information

See our calendars and timetables for important academic dates, the academic calendar and the course timetable.

How to Become a Teacher in New Brunswick
